

点击次数:   更新时间:2020-07-28 09:17:07   分    享:

     日前,上海美谷律师事务所费嘉彬律师作为奉贤区公共法律服务志愿者,参与由区司法局、青村司法所、青村党建服务中心及青溪商会举办的“奉法贤治 青春同行”系列讲座,为青溪商会成员、企业高管做了主题为“日常商业合同签订及防控”的专题讲座。

     On July 21, Fei Jiabin, a practising lawyer from Shanghai BeautyValley Law firm, as a volunteer for public legal service in Fengxian District, participated in a series of lectures on "obeying the Law and working together with the youth" organized by the District Judicial Bureau, Qingcun Justice Office, Qingcun Party Building Service Center and Qingxi Chamber of Commerce, and gave a special lecture on " Prevention and Control of Daily Commercial contract signing" for members and corporate executives of Qingxi Chamber of Commerce.


     Lawyer Fei starts from the litigation practice of contract disputes, combines his own many years of rich experiences in handling cases, and connects theory with practice to explain the main risks faced by the signing of the contract in advance, during and after the signing of the contract, the coping strategies of enterprises and the drafting of contract suggestions. With vivid cases, he emphatically analyzed the common contract risks in current enterprises, and the lecture is of great practical significance for modern enterprise managers to further enhance their legal awareness and better manage enterprises according to law.



     After the lecture, he also had an interactive exchange with some business executives to answer the questions they concerned. The lecture was well received by the participants, and they all said that the lecture was concise, rich in content and fruitful, and could be applied in the future work,at the same time, the company's contract management level and legal awareness has been improved.Lawyer Fei said that as a volunteer of public legal services, he would actively go to chambers of commerce,industrial parks, enterprises and other places to make due contributions to the work of legal popularization.

  • 律所名称:上海美谷律师事务所
  • 电话号码:021-37195298
  • 手机号码:18301722272
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  • 联系地址: 中国上海奉贤区望园路1698弄5号楼